One of our goals as parents was to help our children to become good readers. We had several main reasons which are: 1. We are big readers and know the pleasure of well written books. 2. It is my belief, that if you can read well, you can teach yourself anything. This desire to pass along a love of reading is extended to my grandchildren. We encourage a love of reading/books by reading to them, and b uying them their own books. I have books here at the Cottage, that are just for them, even the toddlers. Klaire loves to get these books out everytime she's here. She also gets into my books, but it is a training process - "Not those books, these are YOUR books!" I got a few cute photos of her yesterday. Have you seen these Baby Lit books? ...
Deanna Rabe
Homeschool Encouragement and Mentoring From An Experienced Mom.