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Reading Aloud

I have a motto about reading - "If you can teach your child to read, they can teach themselves anything."  The foundation to building readers is reading aloud to them.

As parents we all spend many hours reading books to our children while they are young, some books are read over and over again. (smile) How many of us, continue to read aloud once our children become readers?

In the early years of homeschooling, I began to have all of our children do as many subjects together as possible.  That meant everything other than math, and writing, for many years.  How did we do it?  By reading aloud.  I read our history, science, health, Bible.  We read books about composers and artists.

I'm still reading aloud to my 9th grader and 6th grader.  At their ages they are doing more and more work on their own but we still do history and science together and Bible. 

We also read books aloud as a family that are not school related.  When we read in the evenings its usually my husband, Tim, who reads.  

The beauty of reading aloud is that the whole family can enjoy a book regardless of where their own reading level is at. We are able to discuss the story and not leave anyone out. 

Also, when you read aloud you build relationships by sharing in stories together.  Now as teenagers, and young married women, my girls are still sharing books with me. "Mom, you have to read this book!  Its so good!" Then they'll check in with me on it, "Where are you at in the story? Do you like it?"  Or "This book is really challenging my thinking.  Listen to this, Mom." This is music to my ears.

My 11 year old son is always sharing what he's reading, too!  "Mom listen this is my favorite part!" Or "This part made me laugh!"  

I always listen and engage with them about books and reading.  It has built relationships with my kids that are part of the foundation of our lives, and lets them know that they can talk with us about anything. Isn't that what we all want?  You'll never regret it the time spent reading aloud with your children!

Are you familiar with Sarah Mackenzie and Read Aloud Revival?  The website is packed with great inspiration!  There are podcasts, too, and membership that gives you access to all sorts of great stuff!  Check it out!


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