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The School Year Is Winding Down

Are you excited? 

 I am!  We have nine days left!

As much as we enjoy home education, we also love our summer break!  Of course, the break is from 'formal studies' and not learning!  We are always learning!

A trip to the creek provides great opportunities to enjoy the water but also to see what kind of creatures live in the water or near it.  What kinds of plants are growing along the banks?  We can practice our rock skipping skills (mine are non existent!).

Gardening allows our children to learn how plants grow, and to enjoy the results of their labor!

Summer gives us more time to slow down and to enjoy each other.  

What are you looking forward to this summer?


  1. I am excited too, although we have lots more than 9 days to go! Summer is such a respite, isn't it? Yes, still learning, still living a rich life. Just no "formal" studies and no (or very little) record keeping!


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